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Launching a New Product at Target

Vea Snacks, (crunch bars, seed crackers, and world crisps) were a new innovation from Nabisco, known for old favorites such as Ritz and Wheat Thins. This brand new snack wanted to target a new, younger, audience by playing up their global flavors and health claims: No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Flavors, and NON-GMO Project Verified. With a small budget, and a unique story, we knew traditional shopper marketing tactics weren't going to work on this audience. We developed a groundbreaking experiential sampling event that highlighted the global nature of this product. Rickshaws made a real splash and drove people into Target stores everywhere to pick up this new snack. 

Out Of Store Sampling Activation
Target Vea Sampling Tour
In Store Sampling Plus Up
In Store Display
Target Endcap
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